Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category Video: How To Make a Gluten-Free Red Velvet Cake

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014
If you are looking for a perfect gluten-free dessert to make this Valentine Day, look no further than this video and instructions on how to make a Gluten-Free Red Velvet Cake that all your sweeties will love!

It seems that Red Velvet bake goods… cakes, cookies, donuts and more… has become all the rage over the past few years. But trying to find gluten-free versions of these treats could put you in a rage yourself.

So fret no more my little Valentines.

Now you can make one of these rich, creamy, and ever so pretty cakes right in your very own kitchen.

How sweet is that?

Want to print out the recipe? Check out this link in the’s Recipe Section.

Gluten-Free Red Velvet Cake — powered by ehow

BeFreeForMe Video: How to Make Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Stuffing

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

With Thanksgiving next week, many of us our now putting our nose to the grindstone and hashing out exactly what our gluten-free menu will be for the Big Day.

And if your menu doesn’t  include Gluten-Free Stuffing, you need to check out this video, see how easy it is, and put it on your menu… pronto!

Now you can have your gluten-free feast with stuffing too!

Enjoy! Want to print out the recipe? Check out this link from’s Recipe Section.

(P.S. Make sure you make extra stuffing for Thanksgiving Sandwiches… Gluten-free bread, turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing and mayo…  for next day leftovers! Yum.)


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