The air is chilly and snow is still (unfortunately!) in the forecast, but summer, I promise you, is right around the corner.
And with summertime comes the memories of childhood… beach outings, barbeques, fireworks and overnight summer camp. But for those with celiac disease or a gluten-intolerance, summer camp can be challenging… and scary.
For some kids an overnight summer camp can be an apprehensive situation in itself. Throw into that mix a strict gluten-free diet, and the thought of being away from home for a whole week can be terrifying.
But there is no reason that a gluten-free diet should get in the way of kid’s having a great time at summer camp… and that is why I was so excited when I found out that Rudi’s Gluten-Free Bakery was offering scholarships to 20 kids (10 from the US and 10 from Canada) for a one-week gluten-free overnight summer camp trip!
The “Happy Camper” scholarship program is taking place from February 18th to March 18, 2014. It is easy to enter to win too. Just check out the application on Rudi’s Gluten-free Facebook page and have your kid(s) (or you) submit a 100-word essay on “what makes them special” (this should be pretty easy, right?) for a chance to win a one-week scholarship to attend a gluten-free overnight camp. Rudi’s will then select the winner’s that will have an unforgetable fun-filled and safe camp experience.
And as another bonus, Rudi’s Gluten-Free has generous offered to sponsor this week’s WIN-It-Wednesday on!
Two (2) lucky winners will each win a prize pack of THREE (yes, 3!) FREE product coupons for Rudi’s Gluten-Free items. One (1) winner will be randomly selected from the entries received before Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST, and one (1) more winner will be randomly selected to win from the entries received between Wednesday, March 5 and Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 11:59PM EST. SO – make sure you enter to win two times!
How can you win?
Reply to this blog and tell us (in a sentence or two) why your kids, grandkids, nieces/nephews, etc. are special. (Me? Their caring and upbeat attitudes always put me in a great mood!)
(Please note: If you leave a comment on this blog post you are only entering to win the Rudi’s prize pack. To enter the camp scholarship contest you must enter on Rudi’s Facebook page!)
Good luck, always be a Happy Camper… and as always,
Be Free!
Want to hear more about Rudi’s contest, coupons, giveaways and more? Follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!