Friday Favorite: Vita CoCo Coconut Water

According to the Vita CoCo website, Vita Coco is an all-natural, super-hydrating, fat-free, cholesterol-free, nutrient-packed, potassium-stacked, mega-electrolyte, coconut super water. But to me, it is just a simply delicious and refreshing gluten-free beverage.

Perfect for post-workouts, this coconut water has the ability to hydrate you… fast.

Coconut water has tons of healthy benefits, including having more potassium than 2 bananas and than 15 times the potassium of sports drinks. Vita Coco also comes in five flavors; Pure, Peach & Mango, Pineapple, Acai & Pom, and my favorite, Tangerine.

Good, clean and refreshing hydrating goodness is the reason why this week’s BeFreeForMe Friday Favorite goes to Vita Coco Coconut Water. Go nuts!

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One Response to “Friday Favorite: Vita CoCo Coconut Water”

  1. Dewey Iarussi Says:

    Coconut water is great because not only it provides you with a tasty juice, it is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

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