Posts Tagged ‘Back-to-School and gluten-free’

Webinar: Back-To-School & Gluten-Free- The Importance of School Nurse Education & How-To Strategies for Parents of Gluten-Free Kids

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

Believe it or not, summer is almost over and whether that makes you sad or glad, it’s the time of year to start planning for back-to-school.

And if you have a child with celiac disease (or a food allergy) you have even more to anticipate, plan for… and often times worry about.

That’s why I wanted to pass along to all members a special back-to-School webinar that is being sponsored by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA): Importance of School Nurse Education & How-To Strategies for Parents of Gluten-Free Kids.

It is taking place (right in the comfort of your own home!) on Thursday, August 25th, 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT. This webinar is FREE of charge! All you need is your computer and a working internet connection.

This webinar which will focus upon your child’s gluten-free needs in and out of the classroom will be lead by Nina Spitzer, President of the Celiac Disease Foundation’s Greater Phoenix Chapter.

And although this webinar is focuses on children with celiac disease, I bet that it will also be very insightful for those that have children with food allergies and other food intolerances as well.

If you want to register for this seminar click this link: Register Now!

This webinar is sponsored by Rudi’s Gluten-Free Bakery and they’re giving away some awesome prizes to some lucky webinar participants.

So… sharpen your pencils and don’t miss out on this Back-To-School webinar!

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