Posts Tagged ‘gluten-free peanut butter sandwich crackers’

Friday Favorite: Lance’s Gluten-Free Cheddar Cheese and Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

I loved Sandwich crackers as a kid! And if you’re like me and missing peanut butter or cheddar cheese cracker sandwiches, check out this brand-spankin’ new and innovative product from Lance! (Please note that these gluten-free sandwich crackers are so new they are not even listed on the gluten-free product list on the Lance website.)

These bite-sized snacks are certified gluten-free and egg-free.  And only 150 calories per bag =)

Both flavors are delicious. Nestled between two crisply and buttery gluten-free crackers is either real peanut butter or real cheddar cheese.

For all these scrumptious reasons, this week’s Friday Favorite is awarded to Lance for their innovation and commitment to making some great gluten-free snacks. Big cheers for Lance for introducing the first ever Gluten-free sandwiches crackers!

P.S. Make sure to check out your local grocer for these little gems that are debuting late Spring of 2015.

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