Posts Tagged ‘Glutenus Minimus Bakery’

WIN-It-Wednesday: Glutenus Minimus Baked Goods

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

This week’s WIN-it-Wednesday it full of the sweetness that we all deserve during the holiday season.

The kind of sweetness that you get when you walk to the corner bakery during a snow-globe-type-of-snowstorm all bundled up in mittens and hats, and gets a whiff of fresh still-warm baked goods that just came out of the oven. Or the kind of sweetness you got as a kid, all pink cheeked, cold and wearing a snowsuit full of snow and bursting into an oven-warmed kitchen, with fresh baked chocolate chip cookies that are “coming out of the oven in a minute or two.”

These are the simple sweetness’ that life offers us this time of year.

And thanks to Glutenus Minimus (don’t you just love the name?!) sweet measures such as these are made possible for those of us that are on a gluten-free diet, or have other food allergies.

Natalie McEachern, the owner of Glutenus Minimus, started her company baking gourmet gluten-free baked goods, a  little over 2 years ago after getting diagnosed with celiac disease 6 years earlier when she was a senior in college. I met Natalie at a celiac convention shortly after she started her business, and just loved all of the baked offerings that she was sampling, along with her mother, who was Natalie’s partner in developing these delicious gluten and allergen-free recipes.

If you are lucky enough to live close enough to Natalie’s bakery in Belmont, Massachusetts (a close suburb of Boston), make sure you stop by her shop at 697 Belmont Street. Otherwise, you can order her delectable baked goods on-line. My favorites are the Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies (gluten & nut free), Sugar Cookies, and Carrot Cake Muffins (gluten, dairy & nut free).

I am so excited that Glutenus Minimus is sponsoring this week’s WIN-It-Wednesday and offering three (Yes, 3!) LUCKY BeFreeForMe members a gift pack containing Holiday Sugar Cookies that are ready-to-eat, and a Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix that you can bake-up yourself.

How can you win?

Reply to this blog and tell us your sweetest holiday memory (Me? Ice skating during Christmas break with my sisters, and our neighbor, Gail, on the frozen cranberry bog down the street).

All entries must be received by Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 12 midnight EST.

Good luck, hold close the sweetness of the Holidays and as always…

Be Free!

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