Posts Tagged ‘nut allergy on the rise’

Food Allergies & Celiac Disease in the News

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

This week that there were a flurry of articles and tidbits on food allergies, celiac disease and gluten-free living that crossed by desktop. Below are some of the best-of-the-best and new-worthy mentions.

Note: In the spirit of sharing, please feel free to reply to this blog and let me know of any “news” that you find and want to share with others!

Is the Gluten Free Diet “Cool”?
Gwyneth Paltrow, Victoria Beckham and Rachel Weisz are among the celebs who reportedly stick to a gluten-free diet. But are these non-celiac celebs making the gluten-free diet seem like just a trend, and not a medically needed special diet? Many non-celiacs on a gluten-free diet say that a gluten-free diet boosts their energy and make it easier to lose weight… but some health experts claim it causes a variety of health problems. Check out this article for the full-scoop…

Allergies Prompt US to Consider Banning Nuts on All Airplanes.
According to this article, “Advocates say the move would ease fears and potential harm to the estimated 1.8 million Americans who suffer from a peanut allergy. Peanut farmers and food packagers, however, say it would be overreaching and unfair to their legume.” What are your thoughts? 

USDA Developing a Low-Allergy Peanut:
Good news for nut-allergy sufferers: Scientists at the  U.S. Department of Agriculture are developing a low-allergy natural peanut that could offer an alternative to sufferers of severe nut allergies.

These researchers hope to create a peanut with the lowest chance of triggering an allergic reaction  for those that are diagnosed with a  severe peanut allergy, which according to this article is the most common cause of food-related death in the United States.

Nut Allergy in Children on the Rise:
Researchers from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found that between 1 to 2 percent of children in the United States may have allergies to peanuts or tree nuts, with rates seemingly tripling since 1997. Why is this happening? Read more here…

New From Across the Pond: Big Boom in Gluten-Free Foods
Gluten-free products have become Britain’s fastest selling food category, as millions of consumers are buying up gluten-free products. According to this article, 5% of every new food and drink product launched last year in the UK was labeled as gluten-free. Wow!
Coeliac UK, a support group for those with celiac disease, said that one in 100 adults were celiacs in the UK.

Good Chemistry Baking: Every Street Corner Needs One of These!
Gluten-free lemon bars, cupcakes, muffins, scones, biscuits, brownies; plus, soups, sandwiches and salads. A new Bakery / Café has opened in Oakland, California (I’ve sent my sister over to check it out!). Inspired and opened by a celiac, Jane O’Hara, she is excited about Good Chemistry Baking, a 100% designated gluten-free facility that features good tasting gluten-free offerings!

Another 100% designated gluten-free facility, located in Massachusetts, is All Can Eat Bakery, which offers fantastic cupcakes, breads and ready-to-eat meals.

Food Allergies: There’s an App for That!
A great new iPhone app for those with food allergies! This app features 100’s of gluten and allergen free recipes that can be customized to fit many food allergy needs. This app will also calculate ingredient substitutions so you can avoid your allergen trigger list. Makes me want to go out and trade in my blackberry for a new iphone! Check out more info here.

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