Friday Favorite: Edy’s Ice Cream

This week’s Friday Favorite is Edy’s Ice Cream, which is a perfect topping to last Friday’s Favorite, gluten-free ice cream cones.

Summertime is the perfect time for cool refreshing ice cream, but often it can be a challenge to determine what brands, and flavors, have particular allergens as well as other dietary needs (low fat, kosher, low sugar, etc.)

That’s why I love Edy’s Ice Cream website’s “Flavor Finder” feature. It allows you to check off what specific dietary attributes you are looking for in an ice cream treat; such as gluten-free, nut-free, kosher and fat free; as well as your specific flavor or add-in preference; some options include with candy pieces, with chocolate chips, with fruit. You then hit a “Find It!” button, and it comes back with a list of ice cream and frozen treats that fit your dietary preferences AND taste buds!

With the Flavor Finder there are so many flavor configurations and not enough days in the summer! Check it out, have fun… and as always…

Be Free!

Also, reply to this post and let us know if you have a certain brand or type of ice cream that you love! We can never have enough ice cream!

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5 Responses to “Friday Favorite: Edy’s Ice Cream”

  1. kristina herrick Says:

    I love Edy’s Orange Cream Sorbet. I unfortuntaley cannot eat icecream still after a year and half on the GF diet. I also love Friendlys Swirls!

  2. Francine Says:

    You’ve got to try espresso chip!!!!

  3. Carol Asher Says:

    I’d love to get the GF cones. Are they in the stores?

  4. Kathleen Reale Says:

    Hi Carol-

    I know the Goldbaum’s Ice Cream cones are in the Stop & Shop / Giant grocers.

    I also have a call into the manufactuer asking them where else they are carried – I will keep everyone posted!

    Be Free!

  5. Jennifer B Says:

    Edy’s does not meet a strict definition of nut free. They have nuts in their plant, so there is a chance of cross-contamination. People with severe peanut allergy, like my son, couldn’t possibly risk it!

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